Times of Worship

  • 9:45am

    Sunday School

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  • 11:00am

    Sunday Morning Worship

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  • 6:00pm

    Thursday Evening Bible Study and Prayer

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Thursday Night


Bible Study and Prayer

Prayer is a vital part of Christians' lives and of the church. Believers are told to "pray with out ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). While believers spend precious moments alone with God, they also are to spend time praying together. The early church gave us a good example of this time by  "continu[ing] with one accord in prayer and supplication" (Acts 4:24).

Prayer is not just a time to ask the Lord to heal oufriends and loved ones and to provide for our needs; it is also a time when believers praise the Lord for His wondrous works, and, through that communion, allow the Lord to change them. And prayer is a time when believers are strengthened by putting on the whole armor of God. At the end of the list of the Whole Armor of God in Ephesians 6, believers are commanded to pray "always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all saints." Prayer meeting helps Christians intercede for others by praying with fellow Christians and strengthens their walk with the Lord.

Special Services

  • Agape Feast Communion

    After Christ's resurrection, the early church regularly met together and celebrated agape feasts (Jude 12). This unique act of fellowship involved the sharing of a common meal and centered on breaking bread and drinking the juice of the vine together, as commanded by Christ (1 Cor. 11:23-34). Through such a feast, the believers would remember and testify of their common participation in the New Covenant through Christ's pleasing death on the cross.
    In light of this truth, the believers of Unity Baptist Church seek to regularly proclaim their fellowship together in Christ by special communion meals called Agape Feasts.